The White tipped reef shark is a smaller shark, typically found in the pacific and Indan oceans. Though this shark might be a little smaller than its counterparts (only grows to about 1.6m), it makes up for this posessing one caracteristic unique to the shark. Though most sharks have to swim to breathe(to flow oxygen filled water through gills), the white tipped reef shark doesn't need to swim to breath. It is able to pull water into it's gills without swimming. For this reason, these sharks are primarily known to lounge on the ocean floor during the day, usually in a crevace or cave. These remarkable sharks are also known tp hunt during the night, like a pacl of wolves. They typically eat bony fish, octopy, and crustacean like crabs or lobsters.
Here is an image of several white tipped reef sharks resting in a small cave underwater, demonstrating their capacity to breathe without moving.
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