The first image that I chose is a png file type image of a man carrying a surfboard.

Picture of a surfer

This image shows a cartoon man carrying a surfboard. I find this image quite interesting becuase it has something to do with a sport that I appreciate very much, surfing. It is a png type image.

This image was obtained from.

Characteristics of png (portable network graphic) graphic format
  1. capacity to control opacity level of colors (256 levels of transparency)
  2. supports millions of colors
  3. combines best of gif and jpg

The second image that I chose is a gif file type image of earth spinning on its axis in outer space.

Planet earth spinning

This moving image shows a cartoon image of the earth siting in outter space spinning around it's axis. I find this image in motion quite interesting because it shows a perspective of the earth that we live on that we don't see very often. This image file type is called a gif.

This image was obtained from.

Characteristics of the gif (graphic interchange format) graphic format
  1. Best for line art and logos
  2. Maximum of 256 colors
  3. Can be animated
  4. One color can be configurated to be transparent

The third image that I chose is my favorite of the three. This is a jpg (or jpeg) style image of a man surfing during a sunset in South Africa.

Man surfing a beautiful wave during a sunset

This image shows a skillful south african man surfing a beautiful wave off the coast of cape town during a sunset. I love this image and find it quite interesting because it shows a combination of two of my favorite pass-times: surfing and photography. This image file typre is a jpg, also known as a jpeg file.

This image was obtained from.

Characteristics of the jpg (Joint photographic experts group) graphic format
  1. Best for photography
  2. up to 16.7 million colors can be utilised
  3. can not be animated
  4. can not be made transparent